Alison kelman charm industrial, community engagement manager
Alison Kelman is the Community Engagement Manager at Charm Industrial, a carbon-removal company that generates carbon-rich bio oil from forest residues and permanently sequesters it underground.
Alison came to Charm with a background in conservation work, including many years as the Communications Director at Tompkins Conservation, an American-based nonprofit dedicated to establishing new national parks in Chile and Argentina. She also managed grants and non-profit partnerships for Patagonia and The North Face, all with a focus on supporting conservation efforts as well as establishing equitable access to outdoor spaces. Alison has her BA in History and Journalism from Colorado College, and a Masters in Sustainability Management from Columbia University. Alison is passionate about discovering new innovations at the intersection of wood products and forest health.
Forest Innovation Summit
Creating a dialogue between Swedish and Californian forestry sectors in light of the creation of new technologies for crisis management, as seen from environmental, social, and political outfits.