The Team


Mats Andersson

​​​​​​​Executive Director,

Eden Shihamit​​​​​​​
Finance & Business Development Intern, SACC-SF/SV

Sina Karimi ​​​​​​​

Management & Business  Development Intern, SACC-SF/SV

Gabriella Waak​​​​​​​
Project Management & Business
Development Intern, SACC-SF/SV

Maja Strömberg ​​​​​​​Marketing & Business Development Intern, SACC-SF/SV

Emil Skoglund​​​​​​​Finance & Business 
​​​​​​​Development Intern, SACC-SF/SV

Emma Lundgren ​​​​​​​Project Management & Business
Development Intern, SACC-SF/SV

Advisory Committee

Douglas Faulkner

Leatherstocking LLC, Founder

Pelle Berglund

Bizmaker, Business Advisor

Sally Collins

Rights and Resources Group, Natural Resources Consultant

Nick Wobbrock

Blue Forest, CO- Founder & COO

Alison Kelman 
Charm Industrial, Community Engagement Manager

Victor Isaksen

Sting Bioeconomy, Managing Director

Magnus Thor

Skogforsk, Director Research and Innovation

Steve Marshall

​​​​​​​Mass Timber Strategy, Founder

Micah Elias

Blue Forest, Director of Natural Capital  

Zara Rabinovitch

BC Council of Forest Industries, Director of Sustainability

John McCarthy

Cal Fire, Wood Products & Bioenergy Program Administrator ​​​​​​

Victor Mate 
BC Council of Forest Industries, Policy Analyst

Jessica Becker

Architect M.Sc. Arch/SAR, Wallenberg Senior Fellow